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hereunder by any waiver or forebearance by NPOG whether as to payment, time , performance, or otherwise.(d) In the event and for the duration that the ...
shall be liable to the other party for any failure of or delay in performance of its obligations hereof nor be deemed to be in breach of this Contract ...
exposure to a substance with which he comes into contact in the performance of his assigned job duties where continued exposure to the substance would ...
for a breach of this Agreement and consent to an action for specific performance or other injunctive relief in the event of any such breach.In Witness ...
民用工程承包合同书目录1.工程范围2.合同文件3.履约保证4.工程差价和完工时间5.转包和分包6.图纸7.一般责任8.完工9.工程保险10.人员和财产的损害11.第三方责任保险12.人员的意外事故或伤害13.对承包方未履行保险义务的救济14.应当遵守的法规和规章等15.其他承包方的加入16. ...
or under the law governing the contract, the parties are released from further performance, then the sum payable by the employer to the con tractor in ...
accept the design,quality of the construction,equipment and materials and introduced technology,and assess the performance,etc. 第三十八条 筹建处工作人员的编制、报酬及费用 ...
of the project including project size, design standard, planning design, technological design and performance requirements. (3)对工程建设有关事项包括工程规模、设计标准 ...
toleration, favor to the Borrower or permit the Borrower to delay of performance any obligation under this contract shall not impair any rights of the ...
toleration, favor to the Borrower or permit the Borrower to delay of performance any obligation under this contract shall not impair any rights of the ...
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