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dealing with the Company may rely (without duty of further inquiry) upon a certificate signed by any Manager as to:(i) The identity of any Manager or ...
in sub-clause(1)of this Clause,the Contractor may request and the Engineer shall issue a Certificate of Completion in respect of: 48.2同样,根据本条第1款规定的程序, ...
民用工程承包合同书目录1.工程范围2.合同文件3.履约保证4.工程差价和完工时间5.转包和分包6.图纸7.一般责任8.完工9.工程保险10.人员和财产的损害11.第三方责任保险12.人员的意外事故或伤害13.对承包方未履行保险义务的救济14.应当遵守的法规和规章等15.其他承包方的加入16. ...
shall be deemed to be a request by the contract for issue of a certificate of completion in respect of the works.the employer shall , with - in twenty ...
erection of the Plant. No feedstock shall be fed into the Plant until a certificate of completion of erection has been issued.3. In the event of minor ...
(s) of Hong Kong Identity Card(s) No(s). and Holder of Certificate of Availability for Sale No.) of (hereinafter called 'the Vendor');(2) (Holder(s) ...
a notice by courier to the Buyer for their acceptance of a certificate ofthe accident issued by the local chamber of commerce under whose jurisdiction ...
in ____copies issued by ____.⑥保险单正本一式________份。insurance policy/certificate in ______copies.⑦_______签发的产地证一式______份。certificate of origin in ______ ...
in ____copies issued by ____.⑥保险单正本一式________份。insurance policy/certificate in ______copies.⑦_______签发的产地证一式______份。certificate of origin in ______ ...
shall lodge claims against the sellers based on the inspection certificate issued by china _________ inspection authority _________ days after the ...
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