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the policy previously practised in Macao in respect of subventions for non-governmental organizations in fields such as education, science, technology ...
recognized by the People's Republic of China may only establish non-governmental institutions in the Region. Chapter VIII Interpretation and Amendment ...
Region, permanent identity cards which state their right of abode. The non-permanent residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be ...
public sectors of the economy, and exercises supervision and control over the non-public sectors according to law.The state permits the private sector ...
: (1) Putting to use emergency or safety installations under a non-emergency state; (2) Damaging vehicle, tunnel, railway and their equipment, roadbed ...
to the bed and subsoil of the territorial sea. Article 6 Foreign ships for non-military purposes shall enjoy the right of innocent passage through the ...
of citizens' political rights and restrictions on personal freedom; 6. acquisition of non-state-owned property; 7. the basic civil system; 8. basic ...
over the private sector of the economy', is revised as follow:'The Non-public sectors of the economy such as the individual and private sectors of ...
Affairs. Article 5 A citizen who intends to go abroad for non-official purposes, such as residing, visiting relatives, studying, working, travelling ...
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