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he shall submit proof of its or his inheritance or ongoing inheritance.(2) Evidence attesting that the respondent is executing or is going to execute ...
country's newspaper cause, standardizing and strengthening newspaper publication. Article 2 These Regulations shall apply to the newspaper publishing ...
of this Convention or 1/10 of the members to this Convention and is approved by 2/3 or more of the members to this Convention. Article 17 The power to ...
blood, or collateral relatives by blood up to the third degree of kinship; or (2) if the man or the woman is suffering from leprosy, a cure not having ...
the samples. Article 61 Where a periodical unit violates Article 4, Section 2 of these regulations, it would be punished in accordance with Article 48 ...
county level in the locality where the person has his residence at present. (2) If the childbearing act of the person occurs in his place of permanent ...
in accordance with the agreement, may not use the registered trademark;2. “sole licences”, which means that the trademark registrant licenses a single ...
to withdraw: (l) he is a party or a close relative to a party or agent; (2) he is related in such a way with a party or agent insofar as the relation ...
an appropriate intellectual property rights agency has eliminated any suspicion of infringement; (2) if the people's court, by judgment or order, has ...
or having once been listed under first class protection but now being cancelled; (2) having outstanding curative effects for a certain disease; or (3) ...
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