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has filed a suit with the people's court but failed to state the agreement , the people's court shall reject the case it has accepted when the other ...
is prohibited:(i) in light of the nature of the contract;(ii) by agreement between the parties;(iii) by law. Article 80 Duty to Notify When Assigning ...
the power to decide on the existence and validity of an arbitration agreement and the jurisdiction over an arbitration case. If a party challenges the ...
suretyship to a creditor's claims which successively occur but there is no agreement on the term of the suretyship, the surety may at any time notify ...
owns or manages. If joint liability is specified by law or by agreement, the parties shall assume joint liability.Article 53. If the contract for ...
for damages. Article 20 In case the related parties entered into a purchase agreement on a premise or the real right of any other realty, they may ...
custody of their child who has been weaned and they fail to reach an agreement, the people's court shall make a judgment in accordance with the rights ...
in accordance with testamentary succession or as legacy; where there is an agreement for legacy in return for support, the former shall be handled in ...
the same subject matter, he or it may, in accordance with any agreement concluded between the said foreign country and China, or in accordance with ...
to move out of the house without consent of the lessor or without the agreement for renewal of lease between the parties in violation of Article29 of ...
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