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which the bondholders acquired the bonds and the serial numbers of the bond certificates; (3) the total value of the bonds, the par value of each bond ...
, flee or hiding of the acceptor or payer or other reasons, other related certificates may be obtained according to law.Article 64 If an acceptor or a ...
of the shareholders as to their legal personality, or the identification certificates if they are natural persons; (7) a document specifying the names ...
vessel); and 14. vessel operation license. Where the information about the certificates as listed in Items 3 through 8 in the second paragraph has ...
relevant matters.Article 146 The shipowner shall deliver the ship and its certificates to the charterer at the port or place and time as stipulated ...
insured or beneficiaries are found to have forged or fabricated related certificates, materials or other evidence to prove the causes of the insured ...
various customs formalities, and provided truthful, complete and valid documents and certificates to the Customs; (9) Submitting a Report on Business ...
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