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tax payments; (2) notice of a prescribed period rectification order; (3) tax payment call notice; (4) notice of tax payments withheld; (5) notice of ...
tax withheld at source, with the payer as the withholding agent. The tax payment shall be withheld from the amount paid or the payable amount due from ...
for the use of idle loans after fully paying deposit reserve funds, keeping payment funds and returning the loans due of the People's Bank of China. ...
sale as well as the start-stop date;(4) The means and date of payment for sale by proxy or exclusive sale;(5) The expenses for and settlement methods ...
exchange rate such a currency.Article 87 Principles of profit distribution after payment of taxes in accordance with the Income Tax Law of the People ...
should not ask for alteration of the name of article and amount of payment. Article 22 Invoices not in line with the regulations must not be taken as ...
the time and place of the share issuance, and the methods for share subscription and payment of purchase; 8. the plan for the use of proceeds and the ...
at the end of each year. Article 76. Principles of profit distribution after payment of taxes in accordance with the Income Tax Law of the People's ...
below those at which it has to pay for the funds so used, or the payment by it of all or part of the costs incurred by exporters or other financial ...
's Bank of China. 3. If the client applies for handling the payment and settlement business, the business institution may, according to the pertinent ...
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