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of the Board of Directors and the senior management.2. To monitor the performance of the Board members, the Board chairman and members of the senior ...
up to 300, 000 yuan.Article 230 Anyone that refuses or obstructs the performance of the securities regulatory body as well as its functionary on the ...
s Bank of China and financial institutions shall make regular assessment of performance of their own statistic units, while the People's Bank of China ...
the substantive terms of the contract.The winning bidder shall pay a performance bond if the bid invitation documents require the winning bidder to do ...
the provisions hereof or the stipulations of the fund contract in the performance of their respective duties and cause damages to the fund property or ...
may be assessed according to the business amount together with the performance contribution and asset quality, and any other small enterprise credit ...
such measuring instruments may be put into production only after the metrological performance of the sample products has been checked and found to be ...
, or can manufacture them only at too high a price, or their technical performance and time of availability cannot meet the requirement;(3) the price ...
is set up, its business scope should align with its financial performance, internal control system, regulatory compliance system and human resources; ...
.Article 38 (Liability of Market Operation Administrators for Non-performance of Supervision Duties)The market operation administrators who violate ...
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