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It shall be binding on both parties and both parties shall perform the agreement. The parties may apply for arbitration in accordance with the law if ...
specifying a term of service with such Employee. If the Employee breaches the agreement on the term of service, he shall pay liquidated damages to the ...
decision shall take legal effect upon signing receipt by both parties.In case agreement is not reached through mediation or the parties go back on it ...
legally binding as from the date of receipt by the parties. If no agreement is reached through mediation or if one party retracts before the note is ...
or an adjustment to an other work post; and(3) no agreement on modification of the labor contract can be reached through consultation by the parties ...
of the collective contracts and the draft of the salary and wage agreement shall be submitted to the conference of representatives of the staff and ...
shall endeavor to make coordination, so that an agreement may be reached; and where an agreement cannot be reached, shall submit the same to the ...
to be performed, and upon consultation, both parties cannot reach an agreement on the revision of the original labour contract, and the employing work ...
are completed, in accordance with the provisions of the relevant agreement or contract. Article 9Where both parties in a labour relationship lawfully ...
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