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ID card or other valid identity document of the Employee; (3) The term of the employment contract; (4) The job des cription and the place of work; (5) ...
in written form and contain the following clauses:(1) term of a labor contract;(2) contents of work;(3) labor protection and working conditions ...
grass-roots trade union in the trade union or the posts stipulated in the labor contract and the job of the person(s) in charge of the preparation for ...
her work position, still cannot competently perform the job, and the labour contract is terminated by the employing work unit, the employing work unit ...
or hourly wage standard for the individual labourer stipulated in the labour contract; and 3. where an employing work unit lawfully arranges for a ...
by the labor dispute arbitration commission at the place where the labor contract is performed or at the place where the employing unit locates. Where ...
and labour protection; (3) Disputes regarding execution of the labour contract; (4) Disputes that other laws and regulations stipulate should be ...
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