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at a stock exchange and if the purchase is continued, he shall issue a tender offer to all the shareholders of the said listed company to purchase all ...
in controlling shares of 30% or more of a company as well as tender offers, taking supervisory measures for the illegal and irregular acts involved in ...
long as they are in course oftransit, and may retain them until payment or tender of the price. 47. Duration of transit(1) Goods are deemed to be in ...
thereto. A delivered price list, announcement of auction, call for tender, prospectus, or commercial advertisement, etc. is an invitation to offer.A ...
and effective for target populationconsistent qualityproduct meets who requirements and tender specificationsotherq5: what is the added value of the ...
and valuable securities may not be substituted for payment of legal tender. Article 6An employing work unit shall pay wages to labourers personally. ...
to force up or down the bidding price, or a bidder colludes with a tender-inviter for the purpose of pushing out their competitors, the successful bid ...
) “外汇”(foreign exchange) 指港币以外的所有其他可自由兑换的货币; (由1995年第12号第2条代替) “法定货币纸币”(legal tender notes)─ (a) 指─ (i) 由财政司司长依据《法定货币纸币发行条例》(第65章)第3(1)条在香港发行的 ...
: L.N. 362 of 1997 第2条 释义 版本日期: 01/07/1997 在本条例中,除文意另有所指外─ “法定货币纸币”(legal tender notes)─ (a) 指─ (i) 由财政司司长依据第3(1)条在香港发行的纸币;及 (由1997年第362号法律公告修订) (ii) ...
to China for a trade fair; (2) they are invited to China to make a tender or to formally sign an economic or trade contract; (3) they come to China by ...
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