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the establishment, alteration, termination and dissolution of employment relations between non-enterprise units run by the local people and social ...
state-owned company or enterprise or any other state-owned entity to any non-state-owned company or enterprise or any other entity to engage in public ...
or the confiscation of property are made and issued by non- statutory departments. Superior administrative organs or the departments concerned are to ...
of arbitration is suspended. The validity of arbitration shall resume following the non-existence of the reason for suspension. Where a dispute arises ...
of the original contract. Any contracted land may not be used for non-agricultural constructions without approval. Article 129 In case the right to ...
of units such as authorities, organizations, enterprises, institutions, private non-enterprise units and individually-owned commercial and industrial ...
a public welfare trust or the income from it may be used for non?public welfare purposes.Article 64 Trust supervisors shall be appointed for public ...
of the holder to the drawer;3. Within six months from the date of non-acceptance or dishonor for the right of recourse of the holder to the prior ...
branches of foreign-funded banks (excluding the branches); 5. non-banking financial institutions such as trust and investment companies, enterprise ...
prepared or transmitted by an organisation or individual, or false or non-objective information broadcasted by the media, the CSRC shall impose ...
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