introduction letters of placement, or who have got the letters but do not report to the accepting unit as provided, shall not be placed for the second ...
shall mean the following:(1) News of current events refers to the mere report of facts or happenings conveyed by newspapers, periodicals and radio and ...
been infringed, any person may lodge a complaint with, or file a report on, the case of infringement to the administrative department for industry and ...
in an enterprise or institution, the trade union of the unit shall immediately report to the trade union of a higher level, and consult on behalf of ...
shall be tried by a people's court at a higher level, it may report to such a people's court for a decision.Chapter IV Participants in Proceedings ...
or seal the completed form.The law enforcement person should report this decision on administrative punishment to his administrative department for ...
2) Damaging the financial license; 3) Losing the financial license and failing to report the loss to the CBRC; or 4) Failing to display to the public ...
situation and security alteration, etc., and shall timely give a written report and take necessary measures in the case of any significant matter ...
of the change of the content recorded in the original license; 2. failing to report the loss of insurance license to the CIRC; 3. failing to place its ...
, merger or other major changes, a wholly foreign-owned enterprise shall report for approval by the examination and approval authority and carry out ...