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for production and operations; (6) There shall be a written agreement between the partners in the case of establishing a partnership enterprise, while ...
workers of late childbirth, by the applications of them own, getting the agreement of their units, the maternity leave may extend to one year. During ...
documents showing that the parties concerned have not been able to conclude an agreement in respect of the amount of the exploitation fee. The patent ...
same pre-existing work.Article 11. Where joint authors failed to reach an agreement on the exercise of copyright in a work of joint authorship which ...
in the contract or in the absence of a written arbitration agreement concluded afterwards.Chapter V Supplementary Provisions Article 32 The infringing ...
5) the countervailing investigation does not need to be continued after an agreement has been reached upon the negotiations with the government of the ...
another person to use the business secret held by him in violation of the agreement or the demand of the person who enjoys the right on protection of ...
days after the date when the announcement is made, and submit the merger agreement, the resolution or decision on the merger or division, the document ...
agreements (including preferential trade arrangements), such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and arrangements regarding international ...
agreements (including preferential trade arrangements), such as the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade and arrangements regarding international ...
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