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as prescribed in the articles of association. In the event of a lump sum payment, the investment shall be fully paid up in due time. In the event of ...
(3) the plan for the adjustment of the claims; (4) the plan for payment of the claims; (5) the period of time for implementing the reorganization plan ...
date on which the transfer of the fee is done shall be the date of payment. Where the time between such a date and the date of receipt of the order ...
intention appears from the terms of the contract,stipulations as to time of payment are not deemed to be of the essence ofa contract of sale. Whether ...
of the injured party's job and a back pay of the well-deserved payment for the period that the labor contract has been terminated. If the employee or ...
time limit set in the judgment. If a fine is not paid on schedule, the payment shall be compelled. If a person fails to pay all fines, the people's ...
支付金额││所得项目││支付日期││││Amountofpayment││Itemof││Dateof││││││income││payment││└─────┴──────────┴─┴─────┴─┴─────┴─┘三、适用的避免双重征税协定 ...
for the use of idle loans after fully paying deposit reserve funds, keeping payment funds and returning the loans due of the People's Bank of China. ...
facilities thereof; (4) use purposes; (5) use term; (6) payment methods for allotment fees and other fees; and (7) dispute settlement method. Article ...
or the date of delivery of goods, is pledged and if the date of its payment or delivery of goods is prior to the time limit for the performance of the ...
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