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at the end of each year. Article 76. Principles of profit distribution after payment of taxes in accordance with the Income Tax Law of the People's ...
donation;7. Right of lease, i.e. the right to license another person, on payment of a sum of money, temporarily to use a cinematographic work, a work ...
below those at which it has to pay for the funds so used, or the payment by it of all or part of the costs incurred by exporters or other financial ...
's Bank of China. 3. If the client applies for handling the payment and settlement business, the business institution may, according to the pertinent ...
agency at 10 % or above during the previous year; (5) Having defaulted in payment of taxes or fines payable in the amount of less than 500,000 Yuan; ( ...
the partner's share of property in the limited liability partnership for payment. Where a people's court compulsorily executes the share of property ...
政策组合policymix政府干预government证券交易清算settlementof证券业务占款fundingof支付困难payment支付能力paymentcapacity直接调控方式向toincreasethe间接调控方式转变职能转换transformationof职业道德 ...
总行各司局、外汇管理局,中国人民银行各省、自治区、直辖市分行,深圳经济特区分行:为更好的适应对外金融交往的需要,准确把握一些重要的汉英宏观经济金融术语的内涵,现印发已编译出的汉英经济金融术语汇编,供你们在工作和学习时使用。经济金融术语汉英对照表A安全网safetynet按可比口径 ...
local minimum wage standard, when such work unit should make a supplemental payment for the deficient amount, and must at the same time pay additional ...
the government regulations, in Renminbi or in kind for imports that require payment in foreign exchange or for other similar types expenses; 2. to pay ...
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