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the lawful rights and interests of citizens, strengthening the building of the contingent of the people's police, strictly administering the police, ...
1 The present Regulations are formulated for the purpose of building a contingent of revolutionary, younger, better educated and professional officers ...
purpose of safeguarding teachers' legitimate rights and interests, building up a contingent of teachers who are sound in moral character and good in ...
competent authorities of the Chinese Government may adopt reciprocal measures contingent on the circumstances. Visas are not required for aliens in ...
years; (2)Net assets is less than 50% of the paid-in capital or contingent liability reaches 50%; (3)failure to discharge due liability; or (4)Other ...
of population and family planning, be responsible for the training and contingent establishment of the working staffs of family planning; inspect and ...
country (region) of direct subsidy to an enterprise or an industry contingent upon export performance.2. Foreign exchange retention schemes or any ...
in the business, but the receiptof such a share, or of a payment contingent on or varying with the profitsof a business, does not of itself make him ...
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