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of Article 141 hereof and the buyer fails to take delivery in breach of the contract, the risk of damage to or loss of the subject matter is borne by ...
People's Court's Interpretations of Certain Issues Concerning the Application of The Contract Law of the People's Republic of China (Part One), which ...
ID card or other valid identity document of the Employee; (3) The term of the employment contract; (4) The job des cription and the place of work; (5) ...
means:a) The person by whom or in whose name or on whose behalf a contract of carriage of goods by sea has been concluded with a carrier;b) The person ...
, the insurant shall pay the first payment of premiums at the time when the contract is signed and pay the rest according to the time limit set in the ...
. 3. s. 1 U. K.]15. Sale by description(1) Where there is a contract for the sale of goods by description, thereis an implied condition that the goods ...
If the creditor and the debtor fail to stipulate the same in the contract, the creditor shall, after taking possession of the debtor's property, fix a ...
; (4) The rent has not paid yet exceeding the term agreed in the contract; or delaying to pay the rent for more than three months if there is no ...
in written form and contain the following clauses:(1) term of a labor contract;(2) contents of work;(3) labor protection and working conditions ...
the easement shall be terminated: (1) to go against the legal provisions or the contract, or misuse the easement; or (2) as regards the paid use of ...
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