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committee consider that none of the bids to meet the requirements of the bid invitation documents, it may reject all of the bids. If all the bids for ...
organ shall make a decision by adopting fair competitive methods, such as bid invitation and auction, etc, but if it is otherwise provided for in the ...
institution intends to make to the public (other than the issuer) an offer invitation to buy or an offer to sell, or intends to sell, the issuer's ...
the agenda of a session. Deputies may attend, upon recommendation or invitation, and as nonvoting participants, meetings of the Presidium or meetings ...
barren land or other rural land that is contracted through bid invitation, auction, or open negotiation, etc, the right to the contracted management ...
auction, call for tender, prospectus, or commercial advertisement, etc. is an invitation to offer.A commercial advertisement is deemed an offer if its ...
P.R.China:Mr./Ms.________is a _________of our corporation. On the invitation of Chilean Section of China-Chile Business Council, he will be assigned ...
/2003(已失时效而略去)第2条释义版本日期01/04/2003在本规则中,除文意另有所指外,“文件”(document)、“广告”(advertisement)及“邀请”(invitation)具有本条例第102条给予该等词语的涵义。第3条就某广告、邀请或文件而须呈交的资料版本日期01/04/ ...
/2003(已失时效而略去)第2条释义版本日期01/04/2003在本规则中,除文意另有所指外,“文件”(document)、“广告”(advertisement)及“邀请”(invitation)具有本条例第102条给予该等词语的涵义。第3条就某广告、邀请或文件而须呈交的资料版本日期01/04/ ...
leaving the country to visit relative(s) or friend(s), the certification of written invitation sent by the applicant's relative(s) or friend(s); (3) ...
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