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专门用于西部生态建设和产业结构调整,以实现我国主体功能区划的战略构想。 (二)生态系统服务补偿理论 生态系统服务补偿(Payment for Ecological/ Environmental Services,PES)是近年为建立生态保护和恢复机制而提出了一个新的理念,指由生态服务的受益者对提供者 ...
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Nature Reserves ecological compensation, no matter the Government and the financial transfer payment or a market economy means ,both of them need to ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-160894.html -了解详情
extension of wildlife. Furthermore strict domestic conditions and the corresponding payment as well as the responsibility system should be attached. 【 ...
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data can be searched after registration for free. It also accepts monthly or yearly payment, and on this basis, it may further charge by searches or ...
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业主工程师承包商正在转变为业主裁决人承包商。如将争端直接提交仲裁或诉讼,旷日持久的审理程序必然摧毁双方的合作关系。5.4 采用里程碑付款方式(Milestone Payment)传统工程量清单计价是按月计量支付,竣工后再次重新计量。但中期计量花费了许多资源和时间,既无增值效应,也无助于工程进度,反而 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-157265.html -了解详情
/cryptography issues(出口管制及加密措施)CLASS 10 (4/1/98) E ?Cash & Anonymous Payment Systems(电子结算系统)CLASS 11 (4/8/98) Privacy and Anonymity(隐私权)CLASS 12 (4/15 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-157117.html -了解详情
选择权进而推动相关金融市场竞争。事实上,金融危机期间,英国就发生了巴克莱银行(Barclays Bank PLC)由于销售保险产品支付保护险(Payment Protection Insurance)而遭遇反垄断调查、制裁的案例。 再次,《办法》禁止歧视保单质押授信行为。第十二条第二款规定:商业 ...
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;the object of the creditor right is performance ,when the performance is payment ,the powers and functions of right is requesting the debtor to pay ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-148282.html -了解详情
,中国对外经济贸易出版社,1997年出版。第15页。 [100] Goode,Abstract payment undertakingsin Cane Stapleton (eds.), Essays for Patrick Atiyah (1991). [101] 另见近期澳洲Queensland ...
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2009年1月29日,英国竞争委员会发布对支付保护险(Payment Protection InsurancePPI)市场的最终调查报告。 PPI是对借款人由于意外事故、疾病、失业或者死亡等原因 ...
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