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to establish an independent third-party depository mechanism. Instead, other credit-based methods should be encouraged to facilitate the market's ...
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原理》 (下) , 中国政法大学出版社2000年版, 第678页。 23 Gerard McCormack, Secured Credit and the Harmonisation of Law, Cheltenham:Edward Elgar, 2011, p.265. 24 沈达明编着:《法国 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-820951.html -了解详情
。 2.《联合国独立担保和备用信用证公约》 (United Nations Convention on Independent Guar-antees and Standby Letters of Credit) 2000年, 由联合国国际贸易法委员会制定的《联合国独立担保和备用信用证公约》正式生效 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-820947.html -了解详情
protect their rights in such economic activities as debit and credit,selling and purchasing,commodities transport and contracted processing. However, ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-820944.html -了解详情
。 2.《联合国独立担保和备用信用证公约》 (United Nations Convention on Independent Guar-antees and Standby Letters of Credit) 2000年, 由联合国国际贸易法委员会制定的《联合国独立担保和备用信用证公约》正式生效 ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-818384.html -了解详情
protect their rights in such economic activities as debit and credit,selling and purchasing,commodities transport and contracted processing. However, ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-818381.html -了解详情
等。2.《联合国独立担保和备用信用证公约》 (United Nations Convention on Independent Guar-antees and Standby Letters of Credit)2000年, 由联合国国际贸易法委员会制定的《联合国独立担保和备用信用证公约》正式生效, ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-815257.html -了解详情
protect their rights in such economic activities as debit and credit,selling and purchasing,commodities transport and contracted processing. However, ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-815254.html -了解详情
to establish an independent third-party depository mechanism. Instead, other credit-based methods should be encouraged to facilitate the market's ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-813681.html -了解详情
protect their rights in such economic activities as debit and credit,selling and purchasing,commodities transport and contracted processing. However, ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-808927.html -了解详情
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