senior executive according to Company Law has uncausality.However, if the payment relation is considered according to Labor Law, the labor one cannot ...
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规定也仅仅是一种立法的决定,而不是科学验证的结果。刑事责任年龄的划定也具有理性猜测的属性,而并非具有绝对的可验证性。 [32] 经济系统以支付(payment)作为符码展开。支付引起新的支付。通过支付连接真实货物的交换使得经济系统运作中的封闭与开放得以实现,从而也在功能分化的条件下实现系统的自我指涉 ...
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TheRealEstateSaleProcessinChinaInthisessay,first,inwanttotalkabouttherealEstateSaleprocessinChinabeforetheyearof2011. ...
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lien on real estate. Keywords: reality of law; lien on real estate; construction lien; owner's payment bond; construction debt 工程拖欠款问题是我国建筑市场的一大痼疾。 ...
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undertaking and pay at maturity if the credit is available by deferred payment. c. to accept a bill of exchange (draft) drawn by the beneficiary and ...
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value of goods to be valued. The transaction value of import goods means the total payment made or to be made by the buyer to the seller for the sales ...
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value of goods to be valued. The transaction value of import goods means the total payment made or to be made by the buyer to the seller for the sales ...
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value of goods to be valued. The transaction value of import goods means the total payment made or to be made by the buyer to the seller for the sales ...
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value of goods to be valued. The transaction value of import goods means the total payment made or to be made by the buyer to the seller for the sales ...
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value of goods to be valued. The transaction value of import goods means the total payment made or to be made by the buyer to the seller for the sales ...
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