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value of goods to be valued. The transaction value of import goods means the total payment made or to be made by the buyer to the seller for the sales ...
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],第116-119、 121-122页。另可参见Feng Shaoting, Supplemental Payment in Urban Property Contracts in Mid to LateQing Shanghai,translated by Madeleine Zelin, in ...
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1993) ; Jeffrey O'Connell,A Proposal to Abolish Defendants' Payment for Pain and Suffering in Return for Payment of Claimants'Attorneys' Fees,2 U. Ill ...
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Money,Oxford University Press,2005,pp. 500 - 501. [8]See Case Concerning the Payment of Various Serbian Loans Issued in France and Case Concerning the ...
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the said original bill to, on whom the said bill is drawn and demanged payment thereof, and he answered that it would not be paid.Whereupon, I, the ...
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也包括对造成环境污染者的收费,狭义的生态补偿的概念与目前国际上使用的生态服务付费(Payment for Ecosystem Services,PES)或生态效益付费(Payment for Ecological Benefit,PEB)相似。本文是从广义的角度来把握生态补偿的。 海洋生态补偿制度是 ...
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金融出版社2005年版,第310-311页。 [11]See ChinaCertain Measures Affecting Electronic Payment Services,WT/DS41 3/1,S/L/375. [12]See Note by the Secretariat on the ...
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上开情形,故判决上诉人败诉;另Siegel v. Western Union Tel. Co.[29]案中,上诉人请求Western Union为其汇款 (payment order) 予朋友,请该朋友利用该笔汇款为其下注某赛马,惟Western Union对该笔支付命令(payment order ...
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承担, 有必要在刑法中将这两种行为犯罪化。立法中同时还要注意区分为使官员偏离职责而获利的腐败性支付(Corruptly Payment) , 及为加快政府例行职权进度的加速性( Facilitating of Expediting Payment) 支付, 后者 ...
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《全面贸易与竞争法》,在对《反海外腐败法》所作的修订中,将向国外政府官员的支付分成两类:一类称为腐败性支付(corrupt payment)即商业贿赂,此种支付的目的在于诱导该官员滥用或偏离其职责,从而获得或者保留某些合同、特权等;另一种支付为加速费(facilitating or ...
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