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, the English Court of Appeal held that in a libel action where no special damage was alleged, the defendant was not entitled to discovery as to the ...
subject to theCourt’s discretion to allow oral evidence and cross-examination in special cases.2None of these findings can in our view form the basis ...
would have to be extremely compelling.[4] This case has no special features that would meet this high threshold. Threegrounds are put forward on ...
original.] [5] The Appellant also filed another document entitled “Notice of Special Appearance in Propria Persona” in which he is similarly described ...
mode of life of the person concerned, and it is contrasted with special or occasional or casual residence. The general mode of life is, therefore, ...
of things or persons, as distinguished from others; of one's own; special; not general. Belonging to, concerning, or known to an individual person or ...
mode of life of the person concerned, and it is contrasted with special or occasional or casual residence". [13] It is generally admitted that a ...
the proceeding before Mr. Justice Masuhara. I am not persuaded that an order of special costs is warranted and note in that regard that Mr. Bekar has ...
benefit of the inhabitants ofthe City of Auckland, and not for any special purpose”.8 In dealing with thatprovision in Auckland City Corporation v The ...
at 343 that: ... in all constitutional cases the public interest is a 'special factor' which must be considered in assessing where the balance of ...
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