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to consider the relevant factors. (ii) The factors a creditor should take into account are:[3] "1. the history and age of the debt; 2. the financial ...
that took place at the relevant time. [35] Taking all these factors into account, I am not satisfied that the appellant's testimony on these points is ...
favour of the defendants, it would be only at scale 4, taking into account her criticisms of the evidence they adduced which she said made the trial ...
x/2004 香港特別行政區 區域法院 僱員補償訴訟編號2004年第411號 ---------------------- x(黃志文)申請人 與 x(李鑑元)第一答辯人 x (曾景聰經營之勝興運輸公司)第二答辯人 (已終止) ---------------------- 主審法官:區域法院法官黃 ...
x/2008 香港特別行政區 高等法院上訴法庭 刑事司法管轄權 減刑上訴許可申請 案件編號:刑事上訴案件2008年第81號 (原區域法院刑事案件2007年第920號) ---------------------- 答辯人香港特別行政區 訴 申請人李燕如 ---------------------- ...
any occupation or access to the property. He did not make any demand for account and there had been no payment of rent or profits to him throughout ...
is required to consider, that they may take it into account, and they may take it into account only for the purpose of evaluating that evidence. The ...
’s bank statement for the month of August 2006 showed that the plaintiff had overdrawn its account and the bank had imposed overdraft interest on the ...
Corporation against the Vendor or regarding any right, liability, act, omission or account of any of the parties hereto arising out of or in relation ...
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