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issue be tried, the issue being whether, on a true construction of the contract, the defendant was under any liability for the costs the plaintiff had ...
cancelled Mr. Bolster’s licence without notice. Mr. Bolster lost his contract with Westcan. [18] Mr. Bolster contacted the Superintendent and advised ...
no effect to the extent that it does so; but(b) is not an illegal contract under the Illegal Contracts Act 1970.As the Employment Court noted, s 6(1) ...
and fourth in production, and I believe I've established from my Chinese contract I expect huge profits from the reissue of the first book which has ...
of a debt: Exhibit A-3 is a copy of a document entitled "CONTRACT FOR EMPLOYEE LOAN THROUGH THE COMPANY" dated March 12, 1991[3]. The parties named ...
to be followed forthe obtaining and processing of urine samples and has a contract with the ESRlaboratory in Wellington for the carrying out of the ...
his position plainly took away any claim for damages for breach of contract. [26] I am in agreement with the submission of the appellants that if a ...
Appellant. [9] Mr. Brown began working in construction around 1988 and was a contract house builder when he met Mr. Bostajian in 1998. At that time Mr ...
中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会深圳分会(下称深圳分会)根据申请人××进出口公司和被申请人××有限公司于1996年5月6日签订的GC/x(正)号买卖芸豆的购销合同中约定的仲裁条款及申请人的仲裁申请,依照《中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会仲裁规则》(1995午10月1日起施行本,下称仲裁规则)的规定,于1997 ...
中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(原中国国际贸易促进委员会对外贸易仲裁委员会,下称仲裁委员会)上海分会根据申请人新加坡××公司与被申请人中国××公司于1994年4月6日签订的编号为“外联发94—185合”施工承包合同中的仲裁条款,以及申请人于2000年3月24日向仲裁委员会上海分会提交的书面仲裁申请, ...
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