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DCCJ4381/2005 香港特別行政區 區域法院 民事司法管轄權 民事訴訟2005年第4381號 --------------------- 原告人戴昭誼前稱戴文係 對 被告謝策經營基建工程公司 ----------------------- 主某法官:區域法院吳美玲法官法庭聆訊 審訊日期: ...
to be made and that may be available, in the event of his defaulting in any payment, to or for the benefit of the person who advances or is to advance ...
the plan at any time in the year otherwise than in respect of (a) a payment made by the employee to the trustee; (b) a capital gain made by the trust ...
for one child was $339 per month according to the guidelines, but agreed to payment of an amount of $250 per month commencing on the first day of July ...
[5] Most troubling of the issues before the Court was the provision for the payment of the $75,000 in the context of the law of penalty. The appellant ...
the services of Investment Managers. The Managers can look only to GMCL for payment. Thus, GMCL is the recipient of the supply of the services of the ...
of the cheque as unpaid; and(c)the drawer of such cheque fails to make the payment of the said amount of money to the payee or, as the case may be, to ...
any of his fees but that he had come to an agreement with Mr Walsh for payment of part of his fees and Mr Blyth had not sought to recover the balance ...
not evident from the reasons in Citation, at issue in that case was a “severance payment” as defined in s. 41 and required to be made by s. 42 of the ...
Mr. Jansma to transfer 17 (one-half of 34) shares to him in exchange for payment of one-half of Mr. Jansma's purchase price; that is, Mr. Cross sought ...
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