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based orders, hercompliance with which is described in the pre-sentence report asextremely poor.13 The same general sentencing principles apply to all ...
in future. Jeslyn Goh had reported the matter to the police and had obtained a report from a security firm on the break-in which gave advice on how to ...
returns for the first and only time, while she was preparing the "Penalty Report". 15. On December 12, 2003 Ms. Kistner sent the "Proposal Letter" to ...
to be examined by a psychiatrist or other appropriate expert; (b) order a report by a psychiatrist or other appropriate expert about the accused to be ...
of income for his 1997, 1998 and 1999 taxation years, the Appellant failed to report income in amounts of not less than $114,151.81, $27,412.96 and $ ...
has the power to alter the trading hours of an existing licence in responseto a s20 report. This is clear from a reading of s23(1)(b) and s14(5). I am ...
of the above section it is evident that even after submission of police report under sub-section (2) on completion of investigation, the police has a ...
as Christmas Day.[38] There is no suggestion in the Select Committee’s report or in the debates orother Parliamentary materials that there was to be a ...
clause 9(a)(vii) of the contract. As confirmed by the engineer’s report, the Lands have been cleaned to the standard necessary to obtain a Certificate ...
with the management of the company to determine what was going on and then report back. Q All right. Now, can I ask you, for your experience prior to ...
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