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the appellant and his spouse then decided to send their sons to a special needs school in England for two years. However, by 2000, they concluded that ...
On 15 August 2004 the Church held a general meeting at which, by special resolution, a number of amendments to the existing bylaws were passed by the ...
the grantof administration could not be extracted. That wassufficient to show that special circumstance existed toenable her to bring the action qua a ...
in s 44(1) aspublic holidays were described by the Select Committee as special days. One of thepurposes of the Act is to provide public holidays for ...
behind nor leaping ahead: no more, as Lord Bingham said in R (Ullah) v Special Adjudicator [2004] UKHL 26; [2004] 2 AC 323, para 20, but certainly no ...
in 1992 for $750,000. [104] The City of Windsor, no doubt, was a special purchaser. It was acquiring land in the area of the subject property for the ...
required of a person in control of an officialinstitution, the Superintendent has special duties towards theprisoners. He must see each one as soon as ...
's approval of the sale was summary in nature is certainly not a special circumstance, and in no way impairs the applicability of the doctrine of res ...
should not be regarded as settled that if someone possessed of a special skill undertakes, quite irrespective of contract, to apply that skill for the ...
of the view that there no basis has been shown for an award of special costs to the respondent. [12] Since the respondent was correct in part that the ...
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