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owes her $1,378.86, which amount is held in a dormant Revenue Canada account. [3] The Minister issued a Notice of Reassessment on dated March 25, 2004 ...
insurer "State Farm Insurance Co." allocated $1M to a medical rehabilitation account for Michael's care; f) the insurance company performed regular ...
was whether the advocate could be held personally responsible for payment of the account of $7,046.69. The answer to this question did not depend ...
at a minimum, narrow the issues for trial, thus saving all of the parties on account of legal fees. [5] The same day the applicant’s solicitors sent a ...
pay rent on the foreshore lease and, while it appears the state of their account may not be entirely clear, they would have been responsible for the ...
Taxes for the City of Surrey to add the outstanding amount to your property tax account in accordance with subsection 17(4) of the Act. A copy of that ...
.” (See reasons, paras. 55-66.) [9] Taking all of these factors into account, the Board concluded that although the current use as a service station ...
was justified. It was clearly an exercise of her discretion taking into account all the circumstances of the case. [11] Those comments are equally apt ...
by an applicant. Rather, they are relevant factors to be taken into account by a chambers judge in exercising the discretion conferred by Rule 17(12 ...
advanced an argument based on legislative history, and judicial interpretation taking account of cases previously decided under the Act as then in ...
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