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raised about Mr Cumming’s fitness to plead. He requested theCourt to order a report under s 121(2)(b)(ii) of the Criminal Justice Act 1985. Thatwas ...
the R.C.M.P. to Burnaby prior to the September 28, 2005 meeting. In that Report, the R.C.M.P. outlined 76 “calls for police service” at the motel or ...
. [11] He based his estimate of the cost of the liabilities on a valuation report for the property which had been provided to him with the copy of the ...
with the RCMP at 12:51 p.m. to “pass on” to its crew the report of black ice on Quinsam Road. Implicit in this submission is that by this statement, ...
41] Professor Eckel's conclusion is explained in the following excerpt from his report. In common use, a surplus means an excess over some base amount ...
6.02 am.“15 The relevant part of Coombs' Incident Description Report read asfollows:“ … Officer Stenton requested that I attend cell 1B58. Shefurther ...
(f) to s 94 (see [84] above), saying (at para 125 of the LRC Report): On balance, a broader and more permissive application of [proviso] (f) is to be ...
a value of $80,000.00. C. Steel Bridge [25] Mr. Rafford said in his Report that in his opinion the steel bridge had a value on January 31, 2001 of $2 ...
designer did not deal with all of the alleged deficiencies listed in the report of the expert retained by Mr. Leung. The core reasoning of the learned ...
he called, he was told that the Superintendent had not scanned Dr. Clark's report into the information system, but that someone would get back to him ...
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