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over time. The area of the problem implant was swollen, inflamed and tender. By 3 April 2003, the dentist determined that the implant had failed and ...
would suggest that he could sue for the consideration on a mere tender of the assignment without having first obtained that consent. [14] Given that, ...
by s 107F(1) to file an affidavit byanother health assessor and tender him for cross-examination.Discussion[21] In the criminal law, formalities are ...
never completed because the plaintiff advised the Court that he would not tender the impugned reports, and later, that he would not call those doctors ...
上海市高级人民法院 民事判决书 (2004)沪高民三(知)终字第X号 上诉人(原审被告)上海欣艺安音像行,住所地:上海市卢湾区X路X号。 法定代表人庄某,经理。 委托代理人王某,上海欣艺安音像行职员。 被上诉人(原审原告)华纳唱片有限公司((略)),住所地:香港特别行政区九龙尖沙咀中间道X号半岛 ...
LDBM290/2005 香港特別行政區 土地審裁處 建築物管理申請編號2005年第290號 ___________________________ 申請人 TsoiKam(蔡鑑)and LauPoChun(劉宝珍) 及 第一答辯人 TheIncorporatedOwner’ ...
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