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renew or purchase at fair market value. [14] Mr. Fanelli stated that the letter was written for the benefit of Mr. Salzer to discuss with City Council ...
of the Offer. It is not even clear from his August 10, 2005 letter what undertakings he required. Mr. Pearkes indicated that he would want to know if ...
in mind that it was, after all, the bank [ie, Citicorp] that [had] drafted the letter, not some ordinary lay person. We did not think it was open to a ...
June 6, 2006 because, on June 5, 2006, counsel for the Appellant faxed a letter to counsel for the Respondent offering to pay the sum of $25,000 "to ...
if there was any misrepresentation it went the other way. Mr. Crerar’s letter indicated that he relied on the appellant’s assurance that he could meet ...
to have Mr. Borzoni “removed as Solicitor of Record.” In a subsequent letter of the same date Mr. Young purported to delete the word “scandalous.” [ ...
[17] Unit 2 was included in the schedule attached to the U.S. letter. Again, Caterpillar failed to quote a figure or otherwise indicate an interest in ...
湖南省株洲市中级人民法院 民事调解书 (2007)株中法民三初字第X号 原告候某甲,女,汉族,X年X月X日出生,初中文化,湖南省攸县人,农民,住(略)。 委托代理人候某乙,男,汉族,X年X月X日出生,住(略),系原告候某甲之父,代理权限:特别授权。 委托代理人董清华,湖南华安律师事务所律师,代理 ...
原告周某某(身份证号码为x),男,X年X月X日出生,汉族,城镇居民,住(略)。 委托代理人王勇,重庆元同律师事务所律师。 委托代理人何敏,重庆元同律师事务所律师。 原告李某某(身份证号码为x),男,X年X月X日出生,汉族,农村居民,住(略)。 委托代理人周某某,男,X年X月X日出生,汉族,城镇居民 ...
and the defendant was fined various sums totalling $9,500. 5. By letter dated 21 February 2005 to the defendant, the Director terminated the Contract ...
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