the work day at five a.m. each weekday. Telus benefit by having Brian report to work at this time in that it provided Telus with the possibility of ...
原告XX保险有限公司,住所地上海市XX。 法定代表人宋XX,董事长。 委托代理人周XX,上海市XX律师事务所律师。 委托代理人庄XX,上海市XX律师事务所律师。 被告张XX,女,1981年XX月XX日出生,汉族,住上海市XX。 委托代理人洪XX,男,1984年XX月XX日出生,住上海市XX。 委托 ...
balance. Illegality and/or unenforceability 29. The judge noted that Mr Liu’s report did not explain what happened under PRC laws if a loan is invalid ...
to interfere in the conduct of any examination but they are to report to the Executive Committee on the sufficiency of every examination which they ...
substantive effect, in view of Prof Jayakumar’s statement in the Select Committee’s Report (at p E 5): Amendment No. 2 makes it clear that the age of ...
difference between this FMV be added to the Appellant’s income. The first report of the Appellant’s expert appraised the FMV of the three buildings at ...
than she did. [12] Counsel for R.T.B. adduced into evidence at trial a written report and opinion of Mr. D'Aoust, a retired R.C.M.P. officer with ...
) of the Act. [21] Here is the appeals officer’s analysis, in her Report on an appeal: [TRANSLATION] Anaylysis of non-arm’s length dealings: Since the ...
tax purposes the rent that he received from two sources and he did not report the sale and gains or losses from properties in the years in question ...
the Minister's position that the more reasonable amount is that contained in the police report of $15,150. [15] Now turning to the $5,000 in the 1994 ...