the interests of thepublic to do so, the court might, instead of making a “special patient” order, do oneof the following:(a) Make an order that the ...
said earlier, the focus of this case was not on any asserted breach of special duty on the part of Mr. Delamont to DS. Therefore, I see no foundation ...
高某高某行政法院判決 九十六年度訴字第某二八號 九十. 原告高某螺絲股份有限公司 代表人甲○○ 輔佐人戊○○ 被告財政部高某關稅局 代表人乙○○局長 訴訟代理人丙○○ 丁○○ 上列當事人間因虛報進口貨物產地事件,原告不服財政部中華民國九十六 年六月二十二日臺財訴字第(略)號 訴願決定,提某行政訴訟 ...
pela Universidade de Macau – Centre for Continuing Education and Special Programs, tendo obtido certificado de excelência; - “Fundamental of Java ...
, it would still have been the same. There were, in any event, other special factors relating to the applicant which would have justified refusing the ...
g. that the capital may be increased by extraordinary or by special resolution, but such provisions are uncommon in modern company practice. [emphasis ...
the power to a single justice in chambers. [17] The respondents ask for special costs on the ground that the proceedings are an abuse of process. With ...
the trial judge's decision to grant the appellant members of the Plan their special costs out of the Plan. His reasons may be found at 2006 BCSC 1302 ...
that there is no merit in the attack on the awarding of special costs because such awards usually follow findings of contempt in civil proceedings ...
time for doing an act is that the applicant must establish special circumstances.” I now proceed to consider whether such circumstances exist in the ...