1 November 2005, may be found at 2005 BCSC 1518. [5] The following grounds of appeal are set out in the factum of Her Majesty the Queen in Right of ...
by a panel. I would vary the order of Levine J.A. to grant leave to appeal on this issue. [21] An order was entered 2 April 2007 granting leave on the ...
regularity: Zundel v. Citron (2000), 189 D.L.R. (4th) 131 (F.C.A.) leave to appeal to S.C.C. refused, [2000] S.C.C.A. No. 322 (QL). [85] Courts have ...
do not dispute the facts as found by the trial judge, the arguments on appeal focused on the evidence and the facts, rather than the law. [6] From my ...
6) If the answer to any of 1), 2), 3), 4) or 5) is yes, should the appeal be dismissed as an abuse of process?; and 7) If the answer to any of 1), 2 ...
to the appellant pursuant to s. 25(1) of the Act advising him that his appeal had been placed on the inactive list and that if no steps were taken the ...
in O.A. Brown for this single supply theory were approved by the Court of Appeal in Hidden Valley Golf Resort Assn. v. R., [2000] G.S.T.C. 42. [98] ...
reasons which he gives, with which I am in full agreement, I would allow the appeal and make the order that he proposes. 3. I should like to add a few ...
of the Legal Profession Act, S.B.C. 1998, c. 9 there is a right of appeal directly to this Court from a decision of a panel of benchers." Both Hammond ...
which sets out the Court's powers with regard to the disposition of an appeal, and points out that they do not include the power to order the payment ...