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according to the CL-14. [9] The work order contains a replacement vehicle agreement. If the customer takes a courtesy car, he or she must sign the ...
or she is bound by it, but that is by virtue of the union's agreement to it as the employee's exclusive bargaining agent. [18] The Board elaborated on ...
June 2004 the appellant Anderson issued a shot-gun notice pursuant to the agreement and offered to buy out the shares of Berry-Heldt and McLennan in ...
, 360fiber had the option at the end of the term of each lease agreement to purchase the equipment, return the equipment, or agree with Caterpillar to ...
Development at a place of work in Dubai, United Arab Emirates; (3) the Agreement provided for a term of 36 months, which could be renewed and extended ...
order is made after April 1997, the day it is made; and (b) where the agreement or order is made before May 1997, the day, if any, that is after April ...
take big loans and then abandon all my core customers. So we entered into an agreement to – for him to put up the money, for me to deal with the other ...
in the context of a contractual provision in a standard form consumer agreement. In MacKinnon, this Court held that the two applications, one for a ...
not paid him the $140,000.00 that had been promised when the Agreement was signed. (Note: The documents filed with the Court indicate that Raffi Camci ...
cancer. He died on 15 February 2004.The price payable under the agreement was $12.35 m. Gustav claims that this figurewas substantially in excess of ...
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