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开封市鼓楼区人民法院 民事判决书 (2008)鼓民初字第X号 原告杨某某,男,汉族,X年X月X日生,住(略),身份证号;x。 委托代理人朱某甲,系原告杨某某儿媳,汉族,X年X月X日生,住(略),代理权限系特别授权,身份证号:x。 委托代理人靳丽霞,开封市禹王台区X法律服务所法律工作者,代理权限系 ...
开封市鼓楼区人民法院 民事判决书 (2008)鼓民初字第X号 原告赵某甲,男,X年X月X日生,学生,住(略)。 法定代理人孙某乙(系原告之母),X年X月X日生,汉族,高中文化程度,开封市人,个体户,住(略)。身份证号:x。 委托代理人张克俊,河南正言律师事务所律师。代理权限系特别授权。 被告赵某丙 ...
cars of the defendant.?/p 25. In my judgment, that was a decision on the special facts of that case. In contrast, I do not think the totality of the ...
, be entitled to sit again for that examination. (5) Except with the special permission of the Council and subject to such conditions as to training ...
on the Full Court to receive further evidence but only on "special grounds" and with the "special leave" of the Court. In CDJ v VAJ (1998) 197 CLR ...
Anr. [(2004) 9 SCC 772] wherein this Court held : "The said Act is a special statute vis-`-vis the Transfer of Property Act which is a general statute ...
within the rural setting. The siting of residences appears to take no special heed of site conditions and the treatment of the street frontage ...
or receivedby the chief executive bearing on the subject shall, subject to any special order,be brought before the Authority as follows:(a) As to any ...
appearance in this court on March 7, 2006, to be assessed as special costs. [2] Dr. Kaburda is an oral maxillofacial surgeon. He provided treatment ...
conduct on the part of the respondent. [6] We find no basis for special or increased costs. [7] Costs should follow the event in this Court. The ...
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