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a duty of care by those whose task it was to enforce the non-associationcondition on receipt of information suggesting the parolee was in breach of it ...
34. Defendant Mr. Borzoni owes a duty to care to the Plaintiffs as non-client third persons. 40. The Defendants were intolerant of Plaintiff Mr. Young ...
amount of $45,861,[7] was categorized by counsel for the Respondent as non-capital losses of other years. The Respondent's position is that the appeal ...
上某案第12/2007號 上某: A B 澳門特別行政區中級法院判決書 在澳門特別行政區初級法院刑事法庭的合議庭普通刑事第 CRX-X-X-PCC號案件中,嫌犯A及B因觸犯《刑法典》『加重盜竊 罪』及『濫用信用卡罪』接受合議庭的審理。 經過庭審,合議庭最後作出了以下的判決: - 第一嫌犯A及第二 ...
bring good name to the profession. There is a tendency to get engaged in non-professional pursuits. Bar has a proud legacy of promoting rule of law, ...
the imposition of a custodial sentence for the less serious offence and a non-custodial sentence for the more serious offence. The proper course is to ...
however, must be construed justly. An unjust law is no law at all (Lex injusta non est lex). 21.In Kailash Chand Anr. v. Dharam Dass [(2005) 5 SCC 375 ...
5(a) was to protect each party to the NLA against the risk of non-performance or mis-performance by the other in relation to Permitted Properties. Put ...
sought and obtained from the High Court a declaration thatthe land was non-rateable.1 The Court of Appeal set aside that declaration andsubstituted a ...
, although the office was open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm and the non family workers worked during those hours, and were expected to do so, the Worker ...
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