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: According to the statement of income for 2000 (Exhibit I?5) and a letter from éric Métivier, the syndic, Mr. Martel transferred his property on June ...
released from the agreement), read as a whole, the intent of the letter is to “constitute full satisfaction of mutual obligations under clauses 15, 16 ...
Courts simplydemonstrates that there is room for argument about which view of the letter iscorrect. This is not a case in which it can be said that ...
Courts simplydemonstrates that there is room for argument about which view of the letter iscorrect. This is not a case in which it can be said that ...
-emptive rights held byStagecoach to which we have referred.[24] By a letter of 9 November 2005, the Waddell interests agreed to sell theremaining 74 ...
, on Mr. Fahlman’s behalf, requested a review of the decision. By a letter dated 24 October 2005, Dale Chandler, Quality Service Manager for the South ...
agreement (s.s. (3)(c)). [13] The Society did nothing after receiving Pitt Air’s letter of 15 September 2004 that could be said to amount to an act on ...
北京市高级人民法院 民事判决书 (2007)高民终字第X号 上诉人(原审原告)广东千鹤影视传播有限公司,住所地广东省广州市白云区X路X-X号广东音像城一楼X。 法定代表人陈某甲,总经理。 委托代理人陈某游,广东踔厉律师事务所律师。 委托代理人陈某乙,女,X年X月X日出生,汉族,该公司执行董事,住( ...
DCCJ3256/2007 香港特別行政區 區域法院 民事司法管轄權 案件編號2007年第3256號 -------------- 原告人TheIncorporatedOwnersofWahTatIndustrialCentre 對 被告人 ...
原告麦克尔文森公司,住所地美利坚合众国加利福尼亚州塔斯廷巴伦西亚大道X号。 法定代表人威廉尔修斯,首席执行官。 委托代理人梁某,中国专利代理(香港)有限公司商标代理人。 委托代理人李某,中国专利代理(香港)有限公司商标代理人。 被告国家工商行政管理总局商标评审委员会,住所地中华人民共和国北京市X区 ...
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