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of the loan itself. [9] A OK tendered part of a 2002 report for the Public Interest Advocacy Centre titled Fringe Lending and “Alternatve” Banking: ...
filed his income tax return for the 1998 taxation year, he did not report any income related to the stock options issued by ACC since he believed ...
$200,000.00 it received under the Settlement Agreement; (p) the Appellant did not report the tax on the $200,000.00 payment it received from the City ...
Crown:[14] The Law Commission explained the purpose of that subsection in its report,Costs in Criminal Cases, as follows:7Section 7(1)(a) of the Act ...
Old Orchard and another to Lac Saint?Jean and to Thetford Mines. The report of the Objections Officer states that Ms. Lafond said that she had never ...
the sale was recorded like any other sale and was included in the daily report, which was used by Mr. Blanchette to do his accounting. According to Mr ...
is true that such a return may not be achieved. In the economist’s report dated November 134, 2002, and filed in this proceeding, it was pointed out ...
access to these reports but had not made reference to them in her report. The witness responded in general terms that although she had been aware of ...
payroll documentation prior to December 2003. [7] Both parties relied on a report prepared by the Appeals Officer, E. Whyte, on behalf of the Minister ...
of the columns, which would (as B.C. Transit’s own appraisal report acknowledged) limit the potential for residential use. [22] Accordingly, I am of ...
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