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up the Lands, such that it may be able to obtain on closing a Certificate of Compliance issued by the Director of Waste Management for the Province of ...
shall be read as a reference to the date of the issue of the Certificate of Fitness for any building (not being any common property) comprised in the ...
and disposed of under this Act as an application for an environmental certificate”. Thus, the trial judge was correct to say that consultation process ...
, Mr. Bekar was examined in aid of execution. [23] On 23 April 2004, a Certificate of Costs in the amount of $10,148.09 was issued by the Registrar. [ ...
accuse him of advertising air transport services to the public, which his current certificate does not, and the one he had at that time did not, allow ...
for salehad been made and perfected, the auction sale had beencompleted and the Certificate of Sale had been issued.If that is what that order means, ...
7 July 2005 the Transmission Corporation applied to the Commission for a certificate pursuant to sections 45 and 46 of the Utilities Commission Act, R ...
have required a security deposit of $5,000.00 for rent and a certificate of insurance on the foreshore for general liability coverage of $1.0 million ...
litreof breath. The device used by Constable Ussher was supported by a Certificate ofCompliance that met the requirements under s 75A of the LTA.[9] ...
a fuller standard form declaration along the following lines:I declare this certificate to be an accurate reflection of my fitness for work,and there ...
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