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(c) being a pre-condition for invoking Section 138 of the Act, giving a notice to the drawer before filing complaint under Section 138 of the Act is a ...
may be given orally: see Browne v La Trinidad (1887) 37 Ch D 1. The notice may be a very short one, but it must given a reasonable time before the ...
IAs are therefore liable for DS's loss of profits during the 2 ? week notice period, to December 4, 2000. The loss in relation to that period will be ...
and that the operative date from which time runs is the date set out on the notice. [30] I agree with Mr. Cross that the date set out on the bottom of ...
Grain Growers Ltd., [1997] 3 S.C.R. 701–and may amount to 24 months' or more notice. If, as appears to be the case here, there is a lawful express ...
to prove that the test in issue was carriedout in the manner prescribed by the Notice. If this were the case, it could, in ourview, be seen as a back ...
16,500, thereby lowering it from $39,197 (where it now stands under the notice of loss determination dated June 3, 2004) to $22,697. 14. However, in a ...
from a decision of Woods J. in which she ordered certain portions of a Notice of Appeal to the Tax Court of Canada struck insofar as they pertained to ...
ORDER Upon a motion by the Respondent for an order striking out the Notice of Appeal and dismissing the Appellant’s appeal; And upon having heard the ...
10, 1991. On April 20, 2006, the Respondent filed an Amended Reply to the Notice of Appeal dated August 16, 1991 and a Fresh as Amended Reply to the ...
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