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the two of them was only 33.32% they could not pass any special resolution even when acting together. The transfer of the Estate’s shares to Chi and ...
Lobby Lease is a valid and binding contract. The Strata Corporation would not need a resolution approved by a 3/4 vote to defend such a law suit or to ...
to a dispute in a matter enumerated in that section may elect resolution by arbitration or an analogous procedure contained in the pension plan. In ...
The only point raised by the plaintiffs in this regard was that as the Resolution did not prescribe the number of shares to be issued, it contravened ...
that to constitute a common issue it must first be necessary to the resolution of each member's claim; it need not predominate over non-common issues ...
power. Windset says that in focussing only on the absence of a conflict resolution under s. 929 of the Act, the trial judge effectively deprived it of ...
中华人民共和国海口海事法院 民事调解书 (2004)海事初字第X号 原告海南省临高县琼景船务有限公司,住所地中华人民共和国海南省临高县X乡X村X路X号。 法定代表人王某某,董事长。 委托代理人杨运福,广东恒运律师事务所律师。 委托代理人黄晖,广东恒运律师事务所律师助理。 被告大陆海运有限公司((略 ...
On 15 August 2004 the Church held a general meeting at which, by special resolution, a number of amendments to the existing bylaws were passed by the ...
中华人民共和国海口海事法院 民事调解书 (2004)海事初字第X号 原告海南华盛新人造板有限公司,住所地中华人民共和国海南省澄迈县X镇X路。 法定代表人陈某某,总经理。 委托代理人杨运福,广东恒运律师事务所律师。 委托代理人林翠珠,广东恒运律师事务所律师助理。 原告中国太平洋财产保险股份有限公司 ...
me to be very weak as against the applicant, the Fruit and Vegetable Dispute Resolution Corporation. I would go so far as to say that on the material ...
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