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between BL and E Man was subject to these terms and conditions, the same tender price as between BL and Wong or between Wong and Pang would somehow be ...
(Sheets 25 to 43); and (f) Contract Schedules (Sheets 44 to 155). 16. The Tender Form was dated 27 August 2003 and signed by Paul Yu on behalf of the ...
the IOC for and on behalf of the Oil Industry, floated a fresh tender for carriage of petroleum products along the Indian coast on time charter basis ...
in an interview with theCommission, saying that if Mana did that “we’ll just tender in their area nexttime.” Indeed, NZ Bus made a good deal of the ...
x/2007 香港特別行政區 土地審裁處 建築物管理申請編號2007年第334號 ---------------------- x申請人 及 x答辯人 ---------------------- 主審法官:土地審裁處法官黃一鳴 審訊日期:2008年5月30日 頒下判案書日期:2008年6月30日 ...
allows his or her agent to doso, without objecting specifically to the form of tender of payment as soon as heor she is aware of it, must expect to ...
that at the adjourned hearing before me, Ms Lim for the plaintiff applied to tender a new affidavit by Ms Chotrani (affirmed on 25 June 2008) in aid ...
Lumpur and Seremban and other civil engineeringworks.78. STKG won the tender and signed the First ConcessionAgreement dated 20 November 1987 with DBKL ...
January 2004 a resolution was passed authorising the company to accept Prospec’s tender for the renovation of the toilets at Chow House at a cost not ...
if there were any errors in, or any conditions conflicting with the tender documents. The contract also provided that Checo would satisfy itself of ...
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