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the Name and the managing agent; in other cases, there was a direct contractual link between the two. In both cases, the Names brought claims in tort ...
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the public agency to be on equal footing. In the event of a contractual dispute over an administrative contract, as long as the agency is acting in ...
//www.110.com/ziliao/article-310045.html -了解详情
. 50, 53 and 54) that there was no evidence of the "necessary contractual intention" to create a collateral contract: There is nothing in the evidence ...
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primary theory of the claim – it is plain and obvious to me that a contractual claim by the Other Retirees against the Province is bound to fail. On ...
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(London: Stevens, 1950) at 382); (ii) to compete unfairly in breach of a contractual obligation of the servants not to do so. [10] To clear away what ...
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的承包期届满,由土地承包经营权人按照国家有关规定继续承包。 After the contractual term as referred to in the preceding paragraph expires, the holder of the right to the contracted ...
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30. In the copy of the document that Wong alleged to be the contractual record in respect of the Caribbean Coast project made during his meeting with ...
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definition, section 1). On the other hand, damages for breach of a contractual notice provision are not paid for "work" but, rather, are paid (subject ...
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should not be drawn into a fairness analysis where it must defend its contractual rights on a demonstration of prejudice. [21] I do not agree with the ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_88097.html -了解详情
– 174 (CA).7 At p 174.8 At p 171.9 At para [48].contractual position”.10 In adopting this approach, the Court seems to have thoughtthat what mattered ...
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