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Event of Default and the giving by the Administrative Agent of written notice to the Borrower of the Administrative Agent's intention to enforce its ...
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the same by express courier, or (iii) by delivering the same in person. Such notice shall be deemed received on the date on which it is hand-delivered ...
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occurs and ending on the earliest of (i) 30 days after delivering written notice to AAA and BBB of their decision to take any Remedial Action, and ( ...
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hereunder and such breach remains uncured for sixty (60) days following written notice to the breaching party of the breach.c) All payments that would ...
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,attheirdiscretion, on giving not less than ________ calendar days notice by telexor telegram to all pre-qualified tenderers who have picked ...
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or demand will use its best efforts to provide the other Party with prompt notice of such request or demand so that such other Party shall have an ...
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of stock represented thereby, he or she shall first give to the trustee(s) notice in writing of such desire, and the trustee(s) shall halve the right ...
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after written notification thereof by the Company or its successor, which notice shall specify the alleged instances of neglect of his duty, and ...
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, each party to bear its own costs. This Stipulation may be filed without further notice with the Clerk of the Court.Dated: _________(M,D,Y)____(NAME) ...
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m/d) *本函一式两份:一份税务机关留存,一份寄至当事人。* This notice is in duplicate with one copy kept by the responsible tax office and the other sent to the notified party....
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