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c) The Shares will be acquired by Seller for investment and for his or its own account, and not with a view to, or for resale in connection with, any ...
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enforce any remedies against Seller or any other party liable to Buyer on account of the Obligations or to require Buyer to seek to enforce or resort ...
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put under any mental pressure and their studies do not suffer on account of this exercise. This is being done firstly, because the Pakistan Medical ...
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with which mandates had beenissued jointly by the deceased and thesurviving account holder to the bankconcerned when opening the joint accounts;3. ...
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even though some evidence the appellant had put forward was not taken into account by the hearing panel. [2] The appeal is brought from the order of ...
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court, stated: "Reasons for judgment are the primary mechanism by which judges account to the parties and to the public for the decisions they render ...
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approach to the interpretation of sections 58(1) and (2) does not take into account the extent to which sections 58 and 59 of the ATA, taken together ...
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company in April 2000 and was held by that company for its own account. The related company built the plant to the specific requirements of the ...
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in trust". [9] The Appellant introduced Exhibit A-2 to prove that Winnie's account at Capital City Savings had issued a cheque for $136,900 on October ...
//www.110.com/panli/panli_88137.html -了解详情
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