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是一个经验性的主张,对于支持或者反对意见来讲,都缺乏证据。See Schauer, “Critical Notice” [reviewing R. Shiner, Norm and Nature (1992)], (1994) 24 Canadian Journal of Philosophy, p ...
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occurs and ending on the earliest of (i) 30 days after delivering written notice to AAA and BBB of their decision to take any Remedial Action, and ( ...
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hereunder and such breach remains uncured for sixty (60) days following written notice to the breaching party of the breach.c) All payments that would ...
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first business day following transmittal by facsimile or e-mail to the party to whom notice is being given; or (c) actual receipt by the party to whom ...
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in accordance with the Chinese standards. 8.2 C shall give to B ________days' notice of its intention to commence any testing. 8.3 B and/or its ...
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the Board in this case to find that placing the notices on the various notice boards in the Development had served the function of ensuring that all ...
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(8) of the Act providing for a response within 15 days of receipt of the notice. It appears that the Corporation did not pay any heed even to the said ...
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with a fixed term; if the term of the lease is six months or less, the notice is of one month. In the case of a lease with an indeterminate term, the ...
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take effect from 1 April 2004. Each decision was laterformally implemented by Gazette Notice.1 The scheme, which is set out in Part 4A of the Commerce ...
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and got along well with the landlord. In her view, the absence of notice to terminate the lease would not have prevented her from moving to Rivière? ...
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