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expert’s opinion and the opinion itself, and that where the factual basis is an account of events given to a psychiatrist by a patient, it is for the ...
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’ interests and the public.”21.For what has been discussed above and on account of the fair stand taken by the respondents, we are persuaded to allow ...
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of the Tans and the Nios to the CSA had become invalid or void on account of the transfer of ownership of the two units. 24 With respect, the Judge ...
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required majority consent to the development's age - the majority owners must account for at least 90% of the share values for developments less than ...
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ofCivil Appeal No. 02-17-2005(B) should be paid to HongLeong on account of taxed costs.My brother Azmel Haji Maamor FCJ has read thisjudgment in ...
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of equality before the lawdoes not prevent the Court from taking into account relevant cultural,ethnic and socio-economic factors in the exercise of ...
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Mr. Genge approached Mr. Eha for loans for his general expenses and it was on this account that the $32,000 was advanced by Mr. Eha to Mr. Genge in a ...
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when the grievor's conduct is viewed as a whole, it should be taken into account that he did not in the end carry through with his angry and vengeful ...
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the case of a mortgage transaction, any amount required to be paid on account of property taxes [Emphasis added.] [13] A OK submits that “interest” as ...
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but may be assisted by an expert if he or she were to take into account practice and policy. In the limited way described by Finch J.A., the evidence ...
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